September 25-27, 2024
Inn on Lake Superior, Duluth, MN
This annual conference is a venue for the co-op engineering and operations professionals to learn about best practices and emerging issues, obtain valuable tools to enhance operations, and have the opportunity to network and share lessons learned and experiences with others from around the state. There is opportunity to share and discover programs that are successful for other cooperatives. Good practices, education about new practices and tools in system design, and updates on rules and regulations are reviewed.
12:00pm Registration
1:00pm Welcome & Introductions
1:05pm What is the MN Board of Electricity - Cole Funseth, GRE & Board of Electricity
1:30pm New Hire Training Best Practices Panel -
Melissa Belschner-Dakota Electric
Erica Schmidt-Connexus
Kyle Neal-MN Valley Electric
Tony Adensam-Minnkota Power
2:30pm Break
2:45pm New ERA Applications & GRIP Update - John Carr-Dairyland, Jamie Stallman-GRE, & Andrew Sorbo-Minnkota
3:45pm CVR - Nate Knudsen-ECE & Erica Schmidt-Connexus
4:30pm Adjourn
5:30pm Dinner sponsored by Primus Marketing
7:00am Breakfast in hotel breakfast area
8:00am Secondary Design Guide/Considerations - Noah Rogers, Connexus
9:00am Work Order Inspections Panel - Mike Mezera-PSE, McKade Kleinknecht-STAR Energy, Chris Graff-Sioux Valley
10:00am Break
10:15am Federated Update - Chad Knutson
11:00am Ethics Speaker - Nick Vaughn, General Council - Border States
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm Challenges Faced During the 2024 Guatemala Electrification Trip - Joe Miller-MREA & Eric Dessner-People's Energy
1:30pm MREA Legislative Update - Darrick, MREA
2:00pm Break
2:15pm Data Centers - Are you aligned for the Chalenge? - Arnold Singleton-NOVEC, VA
3:15pm Vendor Member Presentions
3:45pm Adjourn
4:30pm - 6:00pm MREA vendor member trade show and reception. Held at The Garden Event Center.
7:00am Breakfast in hotel breakfast area
8:00am Field Failure Modes Investigation - Jesse Hall, Virginia Transformer
9:00am 2024 DER Updates - Kristi Robinson, STAR Energy
10:00am Break
10:15am Battery Storage Projects Around the State - Kyle Leier-GRE & Tom Guttormson-Connexus
11:15am Committee Elections
11:30 Wrap up & Adjourn
Continuing Education Credits (CECs)
Attendance at this event can be utilized for the submission of CECs. Each participant will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance after the event takes place. Please click the following link to access instructions for printing the certificate, found in your profile on our website.
Please note that the number of credits listed within MREA's system is an estimation of what this event is worth. Each state calculates CECs differently, thus individuals should follow recommendations of the state in which they make submissions when calculating CEUs earned for this, and other, events and classes attended. For assistance in calculating PDH visit
The Inn on Lake Superior
350 Canal Park Drive
Duluth, MN 55802
Per night costs:
Standard poolside $179.99
Cityview $184.99
Bridgeview $189.99
Standard Lakeview $204.99
Lakeview Suites $209.99
For reservations please call: 218-726-1111. No online booking, you must call to get the room block rate.
MREA is committed to providing a safe, productive and welcoming environment for all participants and staff in MREA meetings, conferences, training programs, and events both online and in-person. All Event participants including but not limited to attendees, speakers, exhibitors, staff, students, guests and vendors, are expected to abide by this MREA Event Code of Conduct, and this code applies to all space and situations in which MREA meeting-related activities are being conducted, including virtual meetings and those sponsored by organizations other than MREA but held in conjunction with MREA Events. Participation constitutes agreement to comply with the Code of Conduct as a condition of attendance.
All events in 2024 will be subject to a $50 late registration fee for anyone that registers less than 2 weeks prior to the published event dates.
Tradeshow held at The Garden Event Center