LINE SUPERINTENDENTS WINTER CONFERENCE AND TRADESHOWJanuary 29-31, 2025 (W 1-4:30 pm, Th 8-4 am, F 8-11:30)Holiday Inn & Suites Saint Cloud
WHO SHOULD ATTENDLine Superintendents and Operations Managers
AGENDA (subject to adjustment and change)
WEDNESDAY, January 2912:00p Registration12:45p Welcome1:00p CVI updates: State Trooper Keith Happke2:15p Incident command for utilities: MN Homeland Security3:00p Break3:15p Retirement planning: Steve Prom, NFP4:15p Adjourn
THURSDAY, January 306:30a Breakfast8:00a Conference update8:05a De-escalation: Drew Moldenhaur, Blue Ethos Specialty Training9:30a Break10:00a Utility Pole Manufacturing: Josh Schindeldecker, Bell Lumber & Pole11:15a Meet the co-op: District 1 & 4/711:45a Lunch1:00p RUS Update2:00p Drone usage presentation: Steve Oien, MiEnergy Co-op2:45p Open3:15p Networking break3:45p Vendor product showcase - This is full, we do not have room for more vendors.4:15p Adjourn and get ready for vendor show4:30p Vendor show and reception6:00p Vendor show ends
FRIDAY, January 316:30a Breakfast7:30a MREA update & apprenticeship discussion: Anthony Lenz8:45a Break9:00a Keynote: Richard Coffey, former U of M and MN Timberwolves basketball player10:30a Conference closing and survey
HOTELHoliday Inn & Suites Saint Cloud75 37th Ave. SSt. Cloud, MN 56301Reservations: 320-253-9000, Option 0Online Booking LinkReservations cutoff date: Monday, January 8, 2025
EVENT POLICIESMREA EVENT CODE OF CONDUCT (LINK TO FULL POLICY)MREA is committed to providing a safe, productive and welcoming environment for all participants and staff in MREA meetings, conferences, training programs, and events both online and in-person. All Event participants including but not limited to attendees, speakers, exhibitors, staff, students, guests and vendors, are expected to abide by this MREA Event Code of Conduct, and this code applies to all space and situations in which MREA meeting-related activities are being conducted, including virtual meetings and those sponsored by organizations other than MREA but held in conjunction with MREA Events. Participation constitutes agreement to comply with the Code of Conduct as a condition of attendance.
2025 LATE REGISTRATIONAll events in 2025 will be subject to a $50 late registration fee for anyone that registers less than 2 weeks prior to the published event dates.
Jan. 29-31, 2025W 1-4:00pm Th 8-4:30pm, Vendor Show with prizes - 5-6:30pm F 8-11am
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