DESIGNATED EMPLOYEE REPRESENTATIVE (DER) TRAININGMay 21, 2025 8a - 3p Location: East Central Energy 412 Main Ave. N Braham, MN 55006Who should attend? Human Resources, Safety Directors, Managers and Supervisors
Cost: $244 - Member$344 - Non Member
This day seminar is designed to review the federal D.O.T. drug and alcohol testing responsibilities of employers and is being offered to all individuals currently serving as a DER and to others who actively participate in the employer’s DOT drug and alcohol testing program.
This class will be presented by owner, Machelle Pearson of Trust In Us, Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing.
Contact Heather Hilson for registration at or 763-424-1020.
Who should attend? Human Resources, Safety Directors, Managers and Supervisors
Cost: $124 - Member$224 - Non Member It’s a sinking feeling, that suspicion that one of your drivers may be under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol while on the job. All too often, such suspicions go unanswered because managers either don’t know how or have the power to enforce a reasonable suspicion drug test. This important session will give you the tools you need to protect your business from the myriad of liabilities that occur if a driver is under the influence at work. Understand how to enforce your rights as dictated by federal DOT regulations as well as how to protect those of the driver. Plus, gain practical insight into the processes of DOT mandated drug testing as well as the many legal implications. Cost for both days: $368 - Member
$468 - Non member
MREA EVENT CODE OF CONDUCT (LINK TO FULL POLICY)MREA is committed to providing a safe, productive and welcoming environment for all participants and staff in MREA meetings, conferences, training programs, and events both online and in-person. All Event participants including but not limited to attendees, speakers, exhibitors, staff, students, guests and vendors, are expected to abide by this MREA Event Code of Conduct, and this code applies to all space and situations in which MREA meeting-related activities are being conducted, including virtual meetings and those sponsored by organizations other than MREA but held in conjunction with MREA Events. Participation constitutes agreement to comply with the Code of Conduct as a condition of attendance.
2025 LATE REGISTRATIONAll events in 2025 will be subject to a $50 late registration fee for anyone that registers less than 2 weeks prior to the published event dates.
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